
Register for classes with PayPal or by printing, completing and
mailing the registration form with
your check.
Reiki I and II classes will be held at
2317 Silas Deane Highway, Rocky Hill, CT. Fees are not returnable. A deposit of ˝ to hold your place. The balance is due
before class begins on the starting date. When paying by PayPal, payment
in full is required.
Reiki I
To be taken with Reiki II
History of Reiki Healing
Chakra Clearing, Balancing Meditation
Explanation of how Reiki & Chakras work together.
Reiki Attunement
Lunch 45 minutes - bring a snack or lunch if you like
Learn Self Treatment
5 Things That You are Grateful For
Angel Card – Receive Message for Today
Reiki II
To be taken with Reiki I
Review Self Treatment Hand Positions – how it has
helped you
Hand Positions for Treating Others
3 Reiki Symbols and Their Purpose – Practice Drawing Them & On One
Reiki Angels
Opening the Heart Meditation
The Relationship between Reiki Teacher and Student
Reiki Attunement
Lunch 45 minutes - bring a snack or lunch if you like
- Preparation for a Reiki Healing
- Practicing on One Another After Lunch
- Angel Card – Receive Message for Today
- Receive both Reiki I and II Certificates
Reiki III
To be taken with Reiki IV
- Usui Master Symbol
- Reiki Moving Meditation
- Crystal Healing
- Reiki Crystal Grid
- Psychic Surgery – Aura clearing
- Energy Balance Exercise with crystal
- Crystals & Reiki Healing
- Crystal Healing and Ascension
- Understanding and Releasing Spirit Attachment and Cords
- Antahkarana Ancient Symbol of Healing
- Reiki & Surgery
- Raising Reiki – Conscious Children
- Reiki III Attunement with Crystal bowl
- Class Review form
- Angel card (what is my message for today)
Reiki IV
To be taken with Reiki III
- Two Master Symbols
- Reiki Levels explained
- Review of Reiki I, II and III
- Code of Ethics
- Healing the shadow exercises
- Light clearing exercises
- Reiki and animals
- Creating a Volunteer Reiki program
- Soul Retrieval
- Spiritual Guidance Protection
- Learn Attunements
- Violet Breath –Contracting the Hui Yin
- Reiki Master Attunement Exercises
- Receive Reiki III/Master Certificate
- Class Review form
- Angel card (what is my message for today)
Tree of Healing LLC, 2317 Silas Deane Highway, Rocky
Hill, CT 06067
email: info@joannetreeofhealing.com
phone: 860.529.6601