
I Belong To Me (Part I)
TBD Join me in a class that will allow you to connect with your true,
authentic self. Learn how to be comfortable in your own skin.
Learn how to balance yourself in a more conscious, healthy and holistic
way that also helps you to better understand your own energies and the
energies that surround you. I warmly invite you to embrace yourself with
love, compassion and a deeper understanding of your higher self. This
will be a powerful, moving and enlightening workshop. You are welcome to
bring snacks and beverages. Water and a journal will be provided.
Sign up today and grab your seat – this workshop is
limited to 8 people and will sell out fast! Message me to reserve your
spot. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
I Belong To Me (Part I)
TBD Join me in a class that will allow you to connect with your true,
authentic self. Learn how to be comfortable in your own skin.
Learn how to balance yourself in a more conscious, healthy and holistic
way that also helps you to better understand your own energies and the
energies that surround you. I warmly invite you to embrace yourself with
love, compassion and a deeper understanding of your higher self. This
will be a powerful, moving and enlightening workshop. You are welcome to
bring snacks and beverages. Water and a journal will be provided.
Sign up today and grab your seat – this workshop is
limited to 8 people and will sell out fast! Message me to reserve your
spot. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
I Belong To Me (Part II)
TBD Welcome to Part II of I Belong To Me! In this class we will continue
the journey of connecting with your true, authentic self. Learn how to
align with the Divine, forgive and be at peace with things that may be
plaguing or troubling you, learn to release and let go, and connect to
your truth so you can feel your own essence. Learn how to fully embrace
who you are. Through a series of exercises you will master how to
celebrate YOU and tap into your fullest potential. You will learn why it
is important to stay in the present moment of every day, and maintain
balance along your path. It's time to pay attention to you! You are self
love, you are the workings of the Divine.
Sign up today and grab your seat and get excited to take yourself to
a higher level! You are welcome to bring snacks and beverages. Water
will be provided. There will be short breaks in between. Bring your
journal from the Part I class.
Soul Entrainment
Soul Entrainment means "coming into alignment." It is a conditioning
process whereby an individual is taught to use their own abilities for
their own benefit.
Join me for this class where we will explore the soul and discover what
you need to know about your past, present and future. Your soul will
always guide you with unconditional love and protection and helps you
heal the root cause of your fear.
Learn how to heal and receive guidance about relationship issues,
health, career, and your life purpose. Discover your true magnificence,
self-worth and gifts. Receive guidance on how you can create more love
for yourself and others, and radiate joy, peace and fulfillment in your
In this class we will discuss the issues that concern you most that you
would like to heal. Through a guided, deep relaxation, I will assist you
into a higher state of consciousness where you will be able to easily
connect to your soul, and much more.
Your soul is guiding and supporting you every step of the way. Trust
that it has a plan and believe anything is possible!
Space is limited to 8 people. Grab your seat and get excited to connect
with your soul!
Please note: you are welcome to bring light snacks and beverages. Water
will be provided.
If you are paying by check or money order, please email Joanne at
info@joannetreeofhealing.com to
reserve your spot in the workshop. Please complete the
registration form and either
email or mail it to the address listed on the form.
Joanne's Workshops
Tree of Healing
offers a variety of workshops with new ones added regularly.
Healthy Steps Leading to Improving Self-Care
This workshop starts with chair yoga stretches by Lynn MacDonald and
then Joanne will speak about ways to heal your mind, restore your body,
and energize your soul through a variety of exercises.
Celebrating Your Magnificence
Through a series of exercises, you will master how to Celebrate You –
and tap into your fullest potential. You will learn why it is important
to stay in the present moment of everyday, maintaining balance along
your path.
Communicating with Your Angels
In this workshop you will learn how to communicate with the Angels.
You will also learn about the Archangels and your own angelic guides.
Connect with them through meditations, journaling, and more!
Working with the Archangels and Ascended Masters
This workshop could be considered an advanced Angel workshop, but
everyone is welcome! You will walk away with an understanding of who the
Archangels and Ascended Masters are and how they help you connect to
your divine light. There will be a meditation, you will learn how to
create a sacred space, you will find out what Archangel is assigned to
you at birth and so much more! Prepare to be surprised!
Creating a Healthier Self-Image Through Self-Hypnosis
You will learn specific tools that will transform you. You will walk
away feeling more confident internally and externally.
Ways of Enhancing and Developing Your Intuition
Learn about psychic energy and how it can benefit you on a day to day
basis. You will walk away with a better understanding about yourself and
others and you will be paired up to do readings on one another.
Live Your Life in Alignment / Introduction to the Chakra System
Learn to open, activate, energize and balance your chakras using
Mindful Meditation
Join us for a relaxing guided meditation and learn about ways to improve
your mood, decrease stress and boost your immune function.
Weight Loss is Not About Food, It's All About Balance
In this exciting class you will learn about Self-Hypnosis. You will also
learn to maintain a proper healthy lifestyle without feeling deprived or
emotional. Through self-hypnosis you will learn several important keys
to help you reduce your weight and keep it off permanently.
How to Manage Anxiety and Stress Through Self-Hypnosis
You will learn how to manage your stress and anxiety through relaxation
and breathing exercises to create harmony and balance in your life.
Tree of Healing LLC, 2317 Silas Deane Highway, Rocky
Hill, CT 06067
email: info@joannetreeofhealing.com
phone: 860.529.6601